Mainstream trends for real estate success...
What causes you to make a decision? Where does your direction come from? What is the catalyst?
Is 'why am I doing this' something you think about BEFORE each decision you make?
My son graduated from Boise State University yesterday with his Bachelors degree (shout out to Tyler)! During the awarding of the diplomas something VERY interesting happened. Take a really close look at the photo below and then keep on reading. See if you can see what I saw.

Did you see it? With the thousands of graduates, they had seated them in two sections/sides with a main row in between. The two sides would both walk in sync, side by side, into the middle isle, walking slowly toward the front, accept their degree, smile for the camera, then circle around the outside isle, and file back to their row and to their respective seats.
Here's where it became interesting. They were nearly done handing out all the diplomas and as I looked down at this huge group of graduates, I saw one HUGE distinction.
Look closely at the right section of graduates (top in the photo) and the left section of graduates (bottom in the photo).
The right side was ALL sitting while the left side was ALL standing.
Interesting right? Okay you're probably thinking I'm a weirdo, that's okay with me. Because this is an important lesson for those of you who want to succeed in life.
What is the difference between the two sides? On the right side, someone toward the front decided to sit down when they came back to their row and this SET THE TONE for the whole section!
Alternately, the left side, someone toward the front kept standing and SET THE TONE for the entire section so they ALL KEPT STANDING.
Three important learning moments here.
#1 The actions of the leader affect the whole group.
Who is leading you? Who are you looking toward to give you guidance and direction? And when you make decisions, how much time do you take to think about the direction you're being led before you act? Do you think to challenge the 'mainstream' ideas?
#2 What if.
What if you were THE ONE who stayed standing in the crowd of "sitters"? How would you feel to be THE ONE who decided there could be a different way. What if you had a different idea that LOOKED WEIRD because no one else thought it was a good idea. Would you have the confidence to be different?
#3 Not everyone noticed the trend AND I didn't even notice until the end.
I'm sure 99.9% of the audience didn't even notice. And I bet 99% of the graduates didn't even notice what was happening. So often you are stuck in the middle of something and you don't notice until it's too late, the party is over, and you lost opportunity.
In the real estate business there are so many ideas about how you should grow a business. Every new social media ad coming across your feed has the 'solution' to your leads problem. Every new idea is 'the right' answer for your business right now. It's a lot of overwhelming information if you follow the mainstream trends for real estate sales.
I encourage you to DEFINE YOUR EDGE for your own business. I have built a 1M GCI business with no degree, no mainstream training, and it was against the 'normal' grain of mainstream real estate methods. There are 4 main components to a successful real estate business and if you're ready I will share them with you.
Life is meant to be experienced. Let's make that experience more enjoyable.
Wishing you all the best this week.
Coach Lisa Binggeli
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